- 0400753406
- Lot 626 Intake Road, Redlynch
- info@cairnslasertag.com.au
Arrow Tag
Arrow Tag is an awesome fusion of Archery and Dodgeball. With foam-tipped arrows and coloured recurve bow you can dive into some epic battles with your friends, family, workmates or the new faces you've just met on the day!
We're also mobile, so if you have a group and there's an area you have that we're able to play at, we can come to you!
Teams, free-for-all, target practice, shoot the sherriff, and even themed missions and events.
Give us a ring or send us an email to have a chat about more options today.
Equip Helmet
Safety first!
Grab Bow
You will be prepared
Nock Arrow
Channel your inner Legolas
You may fire when ready.