- 0400753406
- Lot 626 Intake Road, Redlynch
- info@cairnslasertag.com.au
Hall of Fame - 2018
Anyone who reaches over 150 hits in a free-for-all is entered into the Hall of Fame!
Current Leader:
Dean Murdoch - 306 hits
High Scores:
Desending Order
Brian Kokiai - April 21st
Alex Williams - April 7th
Joshua Richardson - July 7th
Isaiah Pau - July 4th
Llewellyn Vaughan - March 20th
Dean Murdoch - January 7th
Zane Bailey - June 16th
Glitch - May 27th (Unknown)
Tully Muscat - July 21st
Alex Millea - July 28th
Owen Heller - July 7th
Connor McCarthey - April 8th
Alex Williams - June 10th
Dartanian Hyde - July 21st
Dartanian Hyde - April 14th
Alex Donnellan - April 7th
Harry - March 22nd
Jonas Herborn - July 28th
Sam Nicholls - April 15th
Kafui Preston-Tsey - April 15th
Dean Murdoch - August 1st
Bradley Cutuli - August 16th
Glen Armstrong - April 4th
Joshua Van Kruistum - June 26th
Dante Genge - June 3rd
Alex Williams - July 15th
Dylan McCarthey - April 8th
Alex Millea - July 28h
Lucy Millea - July 28th
Stef Martin - June 26th
Tomas Owen - Aug 16th
Charles Brain - June 10th
Rhys - March 22nd
Ryle Heller - July 7th
Alex Williams - July 15th
Sean Mullins - July 6th
Lachlan Blackney - March 20th